Cooperation with Aquarium Berlin

Finally, with the kind support of Marco Hasselmann from the "Aquarium Berlin", the conservation breeding project of the ÖVVÖ "Mata Atlantica" has taken another step towards cooperation with public institutions. Conservation breeding is species protection! As already reported, the Mata Atantica is highly endangered. And with it many animal and plant species. The small genus Scleromystax, with two threatened species, is a tiny part of it. Support in this project can be a lot, informing the public is an important pillar in any project. The Aquarium Berlin has made a tank available to the conservation breeding project, where this project is pointed out. Some of the fish, seven Scleromystax barbartus (Bearded Corydoras) were brought to Berlin on 20.08.2016 by project manager Erik Schiller and introduced together with Marco Hasselmann.

Many thanks to Manuel Harringer for procuring the animals and to Marco Hasselmann. Without him, this action would not have been possible.

Aquarium Berlin
Aquarium Berlin / ÖVVÖ
Marco Hasselmann & Erik Schiller