
Aquarium Berlin

Partner in the projects
Limbochromis Conservation Project,
Moliwe River
Scleromystax - Mata Atlántica
Finescale Splitfin

Aquarium Tropical

Partner in the project
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish

Bowling Green State University

Partner in the projects
Allotoca – Mesa Central

Bristol Zoo Gardens

Partner in the project
Allotoca – Mesa Central

Chester Zoo

Partner in the project
Allotoca – Mesa Central

Goodeid Working Group (GWG)

Partner in the project
Allotoca – Mesa Central

Haus des Meers

Partner in the projects
Allotoca – Mesa Central,
Finescale Splitfin

KLG Goodeid Projekt

Partner in the projects
Allotoca – Mesa Central,
Moliwe River,
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish,
Finescale Splitfin

Klimahaus Bremerhaven

Partner in the project
Moliwe River

Mental Health Action Group Sheffield

Partner in the projects
Finescale Splitfin


Web design office with a focus on screen design, programming, search engine optimization, open source content management system (CMS) Drupal, web consulting and project management.
multivitamedia was founded in 2001 and has its office in Vienna.

Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn

Partner in the projects
Allotoca – Mesa Central

Rotterdam Zoo

Partner in the project
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish,
Finescale Splitfin


Partner in the project
Allotoca – Mesa Central

The Aquarium at Malmö Museer

Partner in the projects
Finescale Splitfin

Tiergarten Schönbrunn

Partner in the projects
Limbochromis Conservation Project and
Nanochromis minor Conservation Project

Tierpark Berlin

Partner in the project
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish

Tropicarium Budapest

Partner in the project
Moliwe River

Tropiquaria Zoo

Partner in the project
Allotoca – Mesa Central,
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish,
Finescale Splitfin


Partner in the projects
Finescale Splitfin

Zoo Budapest

Partner in the projects
Finescale Splitfin

Zoo Leipzig

Partner in the projects
Moliwe River,
Scleromystax - Mata Atlántica and
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish

Zoo Ostrava

Partner in the project
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish

Zoo Plzeň

Partner in the project
Xiphophorus - Northern Platyfish

Zoo Płock

Partner in the projects
Scleromystax - Mata Atlántica,
Finescale Splitfin

Zoologischer Garten Köln

Partner in the projects
Finescale Splitfin