Final report first year Mata Atlantica

Year-end report of the conservation project "Mata Atlántica" of the ÖVVÖ

In March 2016, the ÖVVÖ started the first conservation breeding project. After we were able to procure catfish of the genus Scleromystax from England, two species (S. barbatus and S. macropterus) from the private stock of two participants were included in the project and new project participants were also found, the project "Mata Atlántica" started at the end of March 2016.

Seven species from the genus Scleromystax were divided among the participants. These are the scientifically valid species S. barbatus, S. lacerdai, S. macropterus, S. prionotos and S.k ronei (The latter species is not considered valid by all scientists, but is listed as a synonym of S. barbatus). Furthermore, there are two species in the project whose scientific description is still pending. These are the species Scleromystax sp. C112 and Scleromystax sp. C113. In the first weeks and even after months we had some fatalities. Thus one species (S. lacerdai) has completely disappeared from the project and in a second species (S. sp. C112) only one animal is still alive. We are already searching feverishly, unfortunately many fish offered under these names belong to another species.

However, there is a lot of good news to report: of the total of seven species, five Scleromystax species spawned. No success was reported for the species S. macropterus and S. lacerdai. Due to unfavourable water parameters, S. kronei and S. sp. C112 did not succeed in raising fry. The spawn died and no larvae hatched. From the three species S. barbatus, S. prionotos and S. sp. C 113 offspring are available, although only very few of the latter species. Fortunately, one project participant managed to obtain a larger number of the most threatened species, S. prionotos. The juveniles are only 2cm, and in April to May the first fish of this species can be given to other participants.

In autumn 2015, another experienced aquarist was accepted as a project participant. Further project participants are very welcome. If you are interested in the "Mata Atlántica" project, please send an email to

In summer 2016, we gained a strong partner with the Berlin Zoo Aquarium, where a tank was "made available" to the ÖVVÖ for this project. Several Scleromystax barbatus can be seen there, along with some other fish. A display board at the aquarium points out the ÖVVÖ project. Another tank will soon be built in this way at Leipzig Zoo, and there has already been positive feedback from the zoo. This will probably be realised in summer 2017.

In the course of the year, I presented the project to several aquarium clubs, where there were also only positive reports. There is a lot of interest in the project. Donations from clubs and private individuals were received throughout the year. Many thanks to all who support this project! Especially the aquarium club "Aquarienfreunde Tirol" should be mentioned here, a considerable amount of sponsorship money has come from there. Every sponsor is mentioned by name on the HP of the ÖVVÖ. The money is used for new animals, advertising purposes and also for expenses (e.g. in zoos or for lectures).

After one year of the conservation breeding project, a lot has been achieved, the programme is well known and I look forward to the coming year with a lot of confidence. We are very keen to acquire more animals to replenish our population of the two species that have been lost.

Mata Atlántica Project Manager

Erik Schiller

Scleromystax macropterus, by Ingo Seidel