Inventory overview for 2019
Submitted by erik.schiller on 10. February 2020 - 20:07
Chromidotilapiine Cichlid Conservation Project
Limbochromis Conservation Project, category A1
Unfortunately there are no big successes in Austria this year, but we increased and our stock is 2.0 + 11 young animals (probably 4.7).
A total of 5.2 and 121 adolescents and young animals were reported among participants (including Austria).
Nanochromis minor Conservation Project, category A2 and B2
The stock in Austria is now 4.3, no young ones currently, because all CB been distributed and there has been no new brood for a few months.
Overall (again including Austria) the stock in the group is now 12.8 + 3.1 from CB in France (is the only CB that one of those has managed so far) to whom I have distributed youngsters). Unfortunately, some of the animals I gave them died quickly. But overall a lot more than I brought in from the USA.
Project manager Anton Lamboj