Report Scleromystax - Roman Lechner

Scleromystax sp. C112:
After the two females of the S. sp. C112 had gained quite a bit of body weight and were full of eggs, I put the three animals into a tank with the dimensions 40x40x20 cm. In a separate tank the water parameters can be changed more easily, which will hopefully lead to successful egg laying. At the moment, most of the food consists of freshly hatched Artemia enauplii, which the Scleromystax greedily accept despite their size of over 6 cm. Granules from various manufacturers are also offered.

Scleromystax prionotus:
Through the great support of Benny Hansen from Denmark, two more animals of the species Scleromystax prionotus could be added to the existing group. Originally, Benny provided 5 fish, but unfortunately three died on the way to the temporary keeper Daniel Konn-Vetterlein from Kiel in Germany. Like the S. sp. C112, the group of S. prionotus was also placed in a tank measuring 40x40x20 cm and stimulated to spawn with soft water changes.  I hope to be able to report on spawning soon.

ÖVVÖ Conservation Projects