Scleromystax sp. "C113" - Manuel Harringer
Submitted by Scleromystax on 22. October 2016 - 21:31
The further care of the animals has gone without an issue so far. On 20.6. the animals spawned for the first time, there were only a few eggs and these were widely scattered, the next day the eggs had disappeared. Further clutches followed on 27.6. and 7.7. These both had a size of approx. 35 eggs. Unfortunately, both clutches were already infected by fungus the next day. In the following months they did not spawn again, in September they moved to a new tank of 80x35x40cm due to a reconstruction of my system.
At the beginning of October I started to feed them mainly fine frozen and live food and increased the water change frequency again, on 17.10. they spawned. The clutch was 67 eggs in size and was stuck to the front glass near a small powerhead. As the clutches of eggs in the tank were always infected by fungus, I divided the clutch into three parts. I collected 34 eggs, 12 of them were put into a damp paper towel and this into a sealable plastic bag (this spawn was put back into a bowl with water from the parent tank on day 3). The remaining 22 eggs were placed in a plastic bowl with water and a piece of catappa leaf. I left the remaining 33 eggs in the parent tank for the first two days and then transferred them to a bowl. In total, eight active larvae hatched from the experiments in which the eggs were collected immediately or after two days.