Project management

The project management consists of the project manager and the deputy project manager. It acts as an interface between the project and its project participants and the project coordination. The tasks of the project management primarily include decisions concerning the respective project and are regulated:

  1. The project management drafts the project before the start of the project and sends the corresponding project application to the project coordination.
  2. The project management is the external and internal contact for all matters concerning the project and represents the respective ÖVVÖ Conservation Project externally.
  3. The project manager appoints a deputy project manager from among the existing project participants, who can represent him/her in all matters.
  4. The project management decides on the use of the money allocated to the project. The corresponding application is sent informally to the project coordination. After receipt, the project management uses the amount according to the decision made in advance and keeps a digital cash book, which is added to the annual report.
  5. The project management takes care of adding new participants to the project if necessary and decides on the admission of new project participants upon request.
  6. Once a year (preferably during the inventory), the project management makes sure that the contact details (especially the email addresses) of the project participants are still up to date.
  7. At the beginning of the project, the project management fixes a project goal, i.e. a desired number of animals to be reached by the respective unit, rules for handing over fish to project participants and third parties, and issues project instructions to the project participants in this regard.
  8. The project management is responsible that news (a maximum of 20 lines plus one or two pictures) concerning the ÖVVÖ Conservation Project are written in time and forwarded to the project coordination in time once per quarter. 
  9. The project management obtains an overview of the stock by means of a one-time inventory in the last quarter of the current project year and then decides on corresponding project instructions.
  10. The project management participates in a Skype meeting once a year and takes part in the decisions made there.
  11. The project management informs the project coordination and the project participants about the stocks and the progress of the project by means of an annual report of one to several pages and issues new project instructions. All this is to be done in the first quarter of the new project year.
  12. The project management takes care of the compliance with the tasks of the project participatints and passes on gross misdemeanours to the project coordination.

In addition, the project management may supplement, specify or even individually adapt the tasks of the project participants.