Moliwe River

Moliwe River

The town of "Moliwe" and the river of the same name are located in the south-western part of Cameroon (4° 03' 59" N; 9° 14' 48" E). The river crosses the road from Victoria to Kumba between the towns of Moliwe and Mile 4 and is described as 80cm deep and up to four meters wide (LINKE & STAECK, 2002).

River Molive lined with oil palms

In the same source the following water parameters are given for this river: soft water (about 130?S/cm, 4°TH, 3°CH) and a slightly alkaline pH of 7.6 with a temperature of 26°C. While LINKE & STAECK (2002) described the surrounding landscape as "plantations and secondary forests", whereas LUCANUS pictured the river in 2008 as a shady jungle creek with larger, shady trees. The latter description must be from more upstream river sections, as own observations (FISCHER & SEIDEL, 2009) near the above-mentioned road only indicated plantations and a bank with short grass. A forest or even larger trees were missing completely. Measurements of the clear and colourless water (in 2008) showed a pH of 8.0, a conductivity of 222?S/cm, and a temperature of 26.5°C. The flow in the shallow water (about 50cm deep) of this river section was strong and did not allow any sedimentation on rocks and plants.

Pelvicachromis kribensis "Moliwe" (female)

Due to varying currents, two distinct fish communities could be identified: in the middle of the river Benitochromis nigrodorsalis, Procatopus similis and three Barbus-species (B. callipterus, camptacanthus and thysii), whereas in the area of riparian vegetation Pelvicachromis kribensis "Moliwe", Epiplatys infrafasciatus rathkei and Chromaphyosemion splendopleure were found. A large arm shrimp (Macrobrachium sp.) was occuring in both areas.

Molive River

The differing descriptions of the landscape are indicative of a massive change. Nowadays the original primary forest can be found only in upstream areas. Even the secondary forests have given way to palm oil plantations, which are taking up more and more space. The area around Mount Cameroon is partially covered on a large scale with monocultures of oil palms. Meanwhile, Uwe WERNER (pers. comm., 2017) reports on turbid water and extensive algae growth in the Moliwe River - both typical signs of nutrient-loaded (eutrophicated) waters. The cause for it is the lack of adjacent, dense vegetation with original plants whose roots prevent soil erosion and thus the wash-in of nutrients. The adjacent monocultures require intensive care with the probable use of pesticides, leading to a disturbance of the biological balance or even the killing of microorganisms that form the basis for the food chain in the river. At the same time the concentration of cyanobacteria increases in the affected waters. This again leads to a disturbed oxygen balance and has considerable negative consequences for zooplankton and fish. As a result, there is a decline in biodiversity.

Chromaphyosemion splendopleure Moliwe (male)

Project manager: N.N.   Email: 

Project member
Klimahaus Bremerhaven (D)    Krisztián Barna (HU)    Lutz Fischer (D)    Tamás Gergácz (HU)  
Jens Helemann (D)    Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium Goodeid Projekt (HU)    Zsolt Németh (HU) 
Zoo Aquarium Berlin (D)    Zoo Leipzig (D)    Tropicarium-Oceanárium Budapest (HU)  
Zoltán Tunner (HU)    László Sárközi (HU) 


Project partner

Klimahaus Bremerhaven    Tropicarium Budapest

Aquarium Berlin     Zoo Leipzig   KLG Goodeid Project



Conservation Projects


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ÖVVÖ Conservation Projects

Stock overview for 2019

10.02.2020 - 20:21

Moliwe River Project

The Moliwe River Project has really taken off in 2019. We were able to inspire many new project members for this project. Over 70...

Moliwe River Projekt

Report on Moliwe River project in the press

17.11.2019 - 09:59

The appeal on our website to find new members has had an effect. Thanks to the efforts of Márk Lizizcai and a very good cooperation between the Klimahaus Bremerhaven (Lina-Kristin Arnskötter),...

Moliwe River ÖVVÖ

Further project members wanted / Species in stock

08.08.2019 - 12:15

Further search for project participants

The breeding of some fish from the "Moliwe River" project has been very successful, so that we will be able to offer the...

Moliwe River ÖVVÖ

Current status / search for new project members

18.06.2019 - 09:17

For the conservation project "Moliwe River" we could already win some more participants. In addition to the Klimahaus Bremerhaven, the Zoo Aquarium Berlin and the Zoo...

Moliwe River ÖVVÖ

Conservation breeding project "Moliwe River" launched on 01.March.2019

12.03.2019 - 09:10

Initiative for the Moliwe River in Cameroon calls for participation

Biologist Lutz Fischer from the Klimahaus Bremerhaven is now officially launching the ÖVVÖ's...
